Monday, October 20, 2008


Last evening I was watching Sunday night football and the American League Baseball Championship. Like most men I was going back and forth from channel to channel until the remote stuck on Channel 2 (as I was attempting to go from ch13 to ch 23). Well on our cable system that puts you on WIPB. Which is a public broadcast station. Last night they were showing the documentary of the courthouse calendar girls.

I know this is controversial. I was neutral during the whole thing. But let me tell you wow, the so-called documentary was far from neutral. The director kept saying he couldnt get those for tearing courthouse down to speak. Its no wonder. The few that did were made out to be the spawn of satan. Pastor Kris was mentioned that he declined an interview, its a good thing. He would have been declared as satan himself by the people making this oneside film. FFC was ripped to shreds. I havent see this much bias since MSNBC "Obama's our Man" network, or Fox "GOP" News channel.

Maybe not the best post I have come up with but it was so blatant.

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