Thursday, May 15, 2008


The latest craze with FFC bloggers. Here goes:

1. What were you doing 10 years ago? Working for Randolph Co. Health Dept. Living in Farmland, coaching little league, officiating sports, raising kids.

2. What are on your 5 things to do list? Grow in spritiual life with God. Hustle a little more. Take a family vacation(never have been able to do it) Lose weight. Become a member of FFC

3. What are your 5 favorite snacks? Popcorn, reese cup, rasins, sprite, grapes

4. Where are 5 places you have lived? Muncie, Shedville or Brinkley In.(look it up), Farmland, Farmland and the ugly gold colored house across church yard

5. What would you do if you were a millionaire? Go to stores and watch check out lanes for people who come up short on bill and pay for there entire bill. Stand on street and give it away. And for fun sponsor a car at INDY 500.

6. List 5 bad habits you have? eating, snoring, singing, rolling my eyes at stupid questions or situations, singing.

7. List 5 jobs you have had? health inspector(not larry the cable guy), emergency management director, sports official, retail(target-hated every second), basketball coach(love every second)

8. List 5 people you have tagged? Nathan and Kim Harris, Pastor Marggy, Pastor Jeff and Tommy P.

1 comment:

Nathan said...

FYI: I completed my Tagged post!