Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Christmas\ Holiday Favorite Shows or Movies

Lets have some fun. List top three Christmas Shows:

Mine are:

1. Frosty the Snowman-i cry when frosty melts
2. Rudolf the Rednose Reindeer
3. Charlie Brown Christmas


Mommy pfohl said...

The Pfohl favorites are:

1. The Grinch stole Christmas (jeff's all time fav!)

2. Charlie Brown's Christmas

3. Frosty the snow man (however, mommy would put in here, any thing but frosty! Sorry Rick! ha!)

Keym said...

1. Rudolph
2. Christmas Vacation
3. Frosty

Kris Sorensen said...

1. Elf
2. Rudolph
3. A Christmas Story

Derek Chalfant said...

1. A Christmas Story (I double dog dare you to find a better Christmas movie, so many classic lines)
2. Christmas Vacation (The 2nd best Christmas movie, best line is "can I get you anything, something to drink, take you out to the middle of nowhere and leave you for dead? or something like that)
3. Miracle on 34th St. (Old school classic)

Just remember kids "drink your ovaltine"