Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Good News Bad News

The Good News-Christ is alive and it seems I will be staying put for awhile. Bad News- I didnt get job in St. Marys Ohio. My FFC ers know that I promised God I would wait for the right job situation. I would let Him lead the way. I will continue to be obediant to His will. I hope its soon because creditors are getting a little impatient. They dont understand God's timing. LOL Anyway I am happy I get to stay in Farmland and attend FFC, but if it is God's will to leave then that's what would happen. Its not about me but His glory.

1 comment:

Mommy pfohl said...

So sorry to hear about this1 I will most certainly be praying! By the way, your son did an awesome job mowing our yard! Thank you very much! Please let us know if there is any thing we can do to help. You guys are a blessing to our lives1 hang in and hugs from the Pfohl house hold!