Monday, March 17, 2008

Growth Groups

EVERYONE SHOULD BELONG TO ONE!!!! Yes I am shouting. If you attend to Farmland Friends Church you really need to join. Wow. Our group met last evening and I am telling you the Holy Spirit flooded the room. We did life. We laugh, some say too much, We cry, some say too much, I say just right. We care and take care of each other. This may sound like a commerical but if that is what it takes to get you in a group then so be it. Some say it only social, it is but we also learn the word of God. We have different levels are Bible knowledge in our group and its exciting to learn from all. I use to think I could be a Christ follower without church, other people, but this is contrary to God's word. If not my group, find one you are comfortable with and join.

1 comment:

Derek Chalfant said...

Growth groups are cool. We have been blessed to be a part of a few different groups and have connected with people that I know that God placed there for a reason.